Number of laboratories - 5Back
- Pharmaceutics Laboratory I
- Pharmaceutics Laboratory II
- Pharmaceutics Laboratory III
- Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Laboratory
- Pharmaceutics Laboratory-V (Machine room)

Pharmaceutics laboratory I

Pharmaceutics laboratory II

Pharmaceutics laboratory III

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology

Pharmaceutics Laboratory-V (Machine room)
Pharmaceutical Laboratories help in training the students in the manufacturing and formulation of drugs. Students are well trained in the method of formulating drugs in different dosage forms like, Tablets, Capsules, Parenterals, Ointments creams, Eye drops, syrups, etc.
Various practical aspects of Pharmaceutics like Physical Pharmacy, Unit operation, Dispensing Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Technology, Biopharmaceutics, Community Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, etc are taught to the students.
Drug interaction, stability, Self -life studies are carried out. Different aspects of filling, packing, selling, labeling are studied by the students. Cosmetology plays a major role in the present society. Our students are well trained in the manufacturing in cosmetics like Vanishing Creams, Cold Cream, Lotion, Liniment, Hair Dye, Lipstick, Perfume, Shampoo etc. Microbiological screening, testing and anti-microbial activity are carried out in the Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Laboratory.
The research interest of the Department is in carrying out Pharmacokinetics studies and studies on novel drug delivery system.
The machine room is well equipped with machines generally encountered in Pharmaceutical Industry:
- Hand Operated Single Punch Machine
- Hand Capsule Filling Machine
- Bottle Filling and Sealing Machine
- Coating Pan
- All Purpose Assembly
- Mechanical Sieve Shaker
- Ointment Filling and Sealing Machine
- Tincture Press
- Ampoule Filling and Sealing Machine
- Ampoule Clarity Test Apparatus
- Ball Mill
- Planetary Mixer
- Tray Dryer
- Tablet Counter