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Drug Information Centre for Patient Healthcare and Food at Innovative College of Pharmacy


The Drug Information Centre (DIC) at Innovative College of Pharmacy (ICP) is a pioneering initiative aimed at enhancing patient healthcare and ensuring food safety through the provision of accurate and timely information. In today’s complex healthcare environment, patients and healthcare professionals face challenges related to the safe and effective use of medications and the importance of dietary practices. The DIC at ICP was established to address these challenges by offering comprehensive drug information services, medication counseling, and education on food-drug interactions, thereby improving overall patient care and public health outcomes.


The primary objectives of the DIC at ICP are:

  • 1. Providing Reliable Drug Information: To serve as a trustworthy source of drug-related information for healthcare professionals, patients, and the public, ensuring that the information is evidence-based, unbiased, and current.
  • 2. Promoting Rational Drug Use: To encourage the appropriate use of medications by educating patients and healthcare providers about proper dosage, potential side effects, interactions, and contraindications.
  • 3. Enhancing Medication Safety: To reduce the incidence of medication errors, adverse drug reactions (ADRs), and drug interactions through proactive education and information dissemination.
  • 4. Supporting Healthcare Decision-Making: To assist healthcare professionals in making informed decisions about drug therapy and patient care, thus improving therapeutic outcomes.
  • 5. Raising Public Awareness: To educate the public on the importance of medication adherence, safe drug use, and the impact of nutrition and diet on overall health and well-being.
  • 6. Collaboration and Research: To foster collaboration with healthcare institutions, regulatory bodies, and research organizations to continuously improve the quality and reach of drug information services.


The establishment of the DIC at ICP is rooted in the increasing complexity of drug therapy and the rising incidence of medication-related problems in the healthcare system. With the proliferation of new drugs, complex treatment regimens, and the growing awareness of food-drug interactions, there is a pressing need for reliable and accessible drug information. The DIC was created to fill this gap, providing a resource that healthcare professionals and patients can rely on for accurate and timely information.

The DIC operates within the broader context of a healthcare environment where patient safety is paramount. With the advent of evidence-based medicine, healthcare providers require access to the latest research and drug information to make informed decisions.


The DIC at ICP offers a range of services designed to meet the diverse needs of its stakeholders:

  • 1. Drug Information Services: The DIC responds to queries from healthcare professionals and patients regarding drug use, dosage, side effects, and interactions. These queries can be submitted in person, by phone, or through an online portal.
  • 2. Medication Counseling: The DIC provides one-on-one counseling sessions for patients, focusing on how to take medications correctly, manage side effects, and avoid harmful interactions with other drugs or food.
  • 3. Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR) Monitoring: The DIC actively monitors and reports ADRs, contributing to the overall safety of drug therapy by identifying and analyzing potential risks.
  • 4. Educational Outreach: The DIC conducts workshops, seminars, and awareness campaigns to educate healthcare professionals and the public on various aspects of drug safety, rational drug use, and food-related health issues.
  • 5. Publication and Dissemination: The DIC regularly publishes bulletins, newsletters, and other educational materials to keep its audience informed about the latest developments in drug therapy and food safety.

Evidence of Success

The DIC at ICP has demonstrated significant success in achieving its objectives:

  • 1. Improved Patient Outcomes: Through medication counseling and information services, patients have reported better adherence to their treatment regimens and fewer medication-related problems.
  • 2. Increased Awareness Among Healthcare Professionals: Healthcare professionals who have utilized the DIC’s services have reported enhanced confidence in making therapeutic decisions, leading to more effective patient care.
  • 3. Positive Feedback from the Public: The public has expressed appreciation for the DIC’s efforts in raising awareness about safe medication practices and food-drug interactions, leading to increased demand for its services.
  • 4. Successful Collaborations: The DIC has established successful collaborations with local hospitals, clinics, and regulatory authorities, further extending its impact on patient care and public health.

Problems Encountered

Despite its successes, the DIC at ICP has encountered several challenges:

  • 1. Resource Limitations: The DIC operates with limited financial and human resources, which can constrain its ability to expand services or reach a broader audience.
  • 2. Keeping Information Updated: With the rapid pace of developments in drug therapy and food safety, the DIC faces the challenge of continuously updating its information resources to ensure accuracy and relevance.
  • 3. Engaging a Diverse Audience: Reaching and effectively communicating with a diverse audience, including healthcare professionals, patients, and the general public, requires tailored strategies and approaches, which can be resource-intensive.
  • 4. Technology Adoption: While technology offers significant potential for enhancing the DIC’s services, the adoption and integration of new technological solutions have been slower than anticipated due to resource constraints and the need for staff training.

Resources Required

To overcome the challenges and further enhance its services, the DIC at ICP requires the following resources:

  • 1. Financial Support: Increased funding is needed to expand the DIC’s services, including the development of new programs, outreach initiatives, and technology solutions.
  • 2. Human Resources: The DIC requires additional staff, including pharmacists, information specialists, and administrative personnel, to manage the growing demand for its services.
  • 3. Technological Infrastructure: Investment in technology, such as an upgraded online portal, mobile apps, and data management systems, is essential to improve service delivery and accessibility.
  • 4. Training and Development: Ongoing training for DIC staff is crucial to ensure they remain up-to-date with the latest developments in drug therapy, food safety, and patient counseling techniques.


The Drug Information Centre at Innovative College of Pharmacy is a vital resource for enhancing patient healthcare and promoting food safety. By providing reliable drug information, supporting rational drug use, and raising public awareness about the importance of medication adherence and safe dietary practices, the DIC has made significant contributions to patient care and public health. While challenges remain, the DIC’s commitment to continuous improvement and its focus on collaboration and innovation will ensure its continued success in the future. With the necessary resources and support, the DIC is well-positioned to expand its impact and further improve healthcare outcomes for the community it serves.