AICTE Sponsored
Two Day
“Industry Demand From Pharmacy Youth”
February 22 & 23, 2013
Organized by
Innovative College of Pharmacy
Participants are invited to present paper/poster
presentation” on relevant areas related to Pharmaceutical sector
(Academia/Research) at Innovative Pharmacy college
Noida . The abstract should be written in English, Times New Roman, 12 Font size (Not
exceeding 250 words).
The authors are requested to submit the abstract by email to :
mentioning the paper title, author’s name along with co-author’s name including all the
contact details (organization, e-mail and contact no.) on or before 18th Feb. 2013. The
information about the acceptance will be mailed to the presenting author by 20th Feb. 2013.
Three best papers/posters presentation will be rewarded by Innovative College of Pharmacy.
Certificates for attending the seminar will be issued. 1x1 meter space will be provided for
poster display.